Dear Baby T,
Tomorrow will begin the start of testing. The amount of tests, evaluations and doctors that you will begin seeing over the next few weeks, months perhaps years, will most likely be overwhelming. I will fight as I always have for you. I do not know what the future holds. You may develop “normally “as society holds to standards or you may not. You may be blind or may see. You may be autistic or you may be developmentally on track. There may be therapy. There may be lots of it with several doctors and specialists or there may be none. What I do know is that I love you as you are. I will not try to fix you. I will try to help you. Your smile is golden and your laugh is a song. That will not change. If ever it does change, than we will stop. Period. I would love to promise you forever here, but know that I can only promise you forever in my heart. So when all the tomorrows of our future are complete and all the labels are attached, just know that only one that I shall think of is “momma’s perfect boy”.
I love you Baby T forever,
“Momma Julie”
*** Sorry about the long hiatus. I have been very busy and things have been nuts. A quick catch up: Rights have been terminated to Baby T’s birth mother and we do not know yet if he will be returning to his birth father or not. We are trying to get a much-needed hernia surgery for him but the court is making this difficult because his birth father is MIA and his signature is needed. He is having a some issues as you may have guessed from the above letter and I will be busy addressing them with various appointments. The legal red tape makes it even harder. I am now a stay home mom. I am adjusting to it but find myself missing adult contact. I am pretty sure that I will need a game plan for the summer with all the kids off school or I may slit my throat. I have discovered that wine tastes best with a good book. I now rediscovering the book-worm that was hibernating in my soul. Finally, if anyone has a fool-proof plan on how to lose say 30 lbs by my high school reunion next week, please let me know…